(#1) BoogaBooga!
19/f from florida. Personal site with the usual crap
Added: 2002/07/22. Last Update: 2002/09/17.
Week in: 0. Week out: 6. Day in: 0. Day out: 2.
(#2) **twotwentysix**
Added: 2004/12/23. Last Update: 2005/07/23.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#3) /foorah
the personal website. and ramblings. and sex stories. of farah chowdhury.
Added: 2003/01/23. Last Update: 2003/01/23.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#4) AcidGloss-dot-Net
Personal journal domain, hostee's are all kick ass and there's always alot of laughs on my blog
Added: 2002/06/08. Last Update: 2003/03/11.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#5) Adiktd
my personal site - weblog, forums, pics, store, etc
Added: 2004/08/05. Last Update: 2005/07/01.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#6) brokenstar.net
she's a devil with an angel's face
Added: 2002/08/04. Last Update: 2002/11/27.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#7) Caribouandcake.org
Personal blog of a 22 year old female. Loves pink and fluffy things. Online gallery. Anything goes!
Added: 2008/08/19. Last Update: 2008/08/19.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 0.
(#8) Chantelly Lace
Oh, I'm just a girl, livin' in captivity...
Added: 2002/08/22. Last Update: 2002/08/22.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#9) ChipiL
Added: 2002/09/22. Last Update: 2003/04/02.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#10) Chiq-Style.net
The cam of a 17 year old chick living in a small town in NS, Canada.
Added: 2004/12/11. Last Update: 2005/05/27.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
In my little sex fantasy, no body ever loves me for my mind.
Added: 2004/09/19. Last Update: 2004/09/19.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#12) FuzZislipperz
stuff, grrrrr I hate descriptions... lol just check it out okie?
Added: 2002/12/07. Last Update: 2002/12/07.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
(#13) gERL
Added: 2002/04/21. Last Update: 2006/07/17.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 1.
Expressive 20 year old college girl.
Added: 2005/01/09. Last Update: 2005/01/09.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 0. Day out: 2.
(#15) It's Olivia!
Don't you want to come see for yourself?
Added: 2007/09/09. Last Update: 2009/02/11.
Week in: 0. Week out: 5. Day in: 1. Day out: 8.